This is the question that was posed my Amy Taylor to a group at the Taylor Family Benefit J, K, and I attended on Saturday. This question has been resonating in my mind ever since that night.
A question that Amy, a beautiful woman about my age, asks herself everyday. You see, Amy lives her life with passion and mindfulness. She taught us all a lesson on living "love", having endless patience for those you love, and just "being" in the moment. And being reverant to the miracle that we are here.
Living a life of gratitude and living a life of mindfulness are things that I believe every human aspires to do. Amy truly lives this way - and it is magical to watch. And she calls others to come awake, and live this way also. Can you imagine what the world would be like if we reminded ourselves to think everyday about what we are greatful for?
Amy, you have given me a gift by watching how you live. Thank you.
Today, on Thanksgiving, I honor you, Amy. I honor your beautiful heart and spirit. I honor your husband Warren, who loves you to no end and in ever present as your knight. I honor your children, Arbor and Bella, and the beautiful and free hearts you have taught them to love with.
Happy THANKSGIVING to you all! I'm thankful for each and everyone of you. Much love!