I stumbled upon a really cool site that is about the "call for a paradigm shift in the way we think about the world and human relationships. We believe that a nonviolent world is possible and we strive to provide a forum for envisioning the world in this way."
I love that mission statement. How cool that some people take enough time and thoughtfulness to promote something they feel passionate about so selflessly, in hopes of sharing an idea - making a difference. What better cause than promoting a Peace-filled existence.
I am a peace lover, and a peace advocate. Though, when I really stop to think about it, I am a pretty passive advocate of peace. I don't knock on doors, put signs in my yard or bumper stickers on my car, or really put myself in a socially uncomfortable situation to promote what I believe in. Why are we so afraid to talk about potentially socially uncomfortable things?
I've often thought of getting involved in promoting peace as a sustainable world view in a more active way. Maybe that will be my next personal goal... Have any ideas for me?
“Be the change you want to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi