Sunday, June 3, 2007

Simple pleasures.

I am following through on a promise to myself - I have started a blog. I thought only a bit about a name, and "loon calling" came to mind. To me, hearing a loon call and its echo over a lake is one of the most marvelous sounds I believe I will ever hear. It brings peace, amazement, music, simplicity, complexity and mystery to my mind....kinda like life.

Part of the reason I wanted to create my blog is to remind myself to
take pause, listen, breathe, and reflect.

I believe in taking simple pleasures in life...delighting in the small things around you. This blog my tribute to simple beauty, discovery and enjoyment, in whatever form that may come for you. To live life mindfully.

Simple pleasures of mine:
  • putting on a clean pair of cotton socks
  • snuggling with a dog
  • a perfect cup of java
  • a wonderful meal
  • wearing flip flops, comfy jeans, and a cotton tee
  • walking though a marketplace taking in sights, colors, smells, sounds
  • gardening, playing in the dirt
  • holding a child
  • holding hands
  • laying in a hammock
  • reading a good book
  • giving & receiving hugs
  • sending cards & love in the form of snail mail
  • hearing laughter & seeing smiles
  • sitting near a body of water
  • being a bystander witnessing another's expression of peace or love
I'd love to hear some of yours. Feel free to share...

Peace & love to you today.
